Ah, Nethohinghs. Such complex creatures, bound to make linking their country's name complicated.
There are a few things you might have clicked on the name of the land of the Nethohinghs for:
- You may have wanted to see it on a map, if so, go to The Map of Harakcoope.
- You may have wanted to know about the country's population, area and capital city. If so, go to Harakcoopian
- You may also have wanted to know why the name of this particular country is spelled in so many different ways across this website:
All of the variations you may have seen mean the small country on the northwestern side of Haria. You may have seen it spelled in these ways: Nethohingless, Nethohingland, Nethohinghless,
Nethohinghland, Nothingless, Nothingland, or even Nothingness.
Now, only the third and fourth are actually correct. The fifth and sixth are an (incorrect) phonetic translation of the word Nethohingh to Nothing. Yes, they sound the same. The seventh is
probably a result of autocorrect which should be fixed immediately, and the first and second are simply a mistake in dropping the h at the end of the word Nethohingh. In conclusion, the
Nethohinghs prefer Nethohinghless, as that was their choice of name after they changed it from Nethohinghland.